short story 2

“I stood still and let the silence teach me. Uriel was omnipresent and I spoke without words. 

I asked Uriel what it was exactly I was to learn from these walls filled with scripture. 

He said nothing. I looked over head and saw the moon was only a bit away from being full. The walls echoed the wisdom held within them, I walked up to a wall and noticed the words were getting smaller the closer I got. At the same time, the wall got deeper. 

The wall was a continuous spiral and I was spinning in circles chasing this wisdom I was to absorb. It seemed impossible and in the midst of my confusion Uriel spoke, "Be still."

I obliged though I didn't understand the purpose knowing I had to read the walls. I trusted Uriel, he was Gods wiset angel. Although, I must confess that trust was wearing thin. 

I sat still for 2 days. There was only silence, marble walls and Uriel. Finally in the middle of day 3 I heard it. I heard the walls whispering. I couldn't understand as it was still too low but now I understood Uriel's words of, "be still."”


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